ledvideoprocessor - Professional LED controller and accessories vendors

Novastar VX1000 / VX600

The VX1000/ VX600 is NovaStar’s new all-in-one controller that integrates video processing and video control into one box.

VX1000/ VX600 can be widely used in applications such as medium and high-end rental, stage control systems and fine-pitch applications.

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Novastar VX1000
Novastar VX1000
Novastar VX1000
Novastar VX1000

The VX1000 is NovaStar’s new all-in-one controller that integrates video processing and video control into one box.

VX1000 can be widely used in applications such as medium and high-end rental, stage control systems and fine-pitch applications.

  • 10 Ethernet ports of output provide 6.5 million pixels of loading capacity
  • A single unit can output a maximum width of 10,240 pixels, with a maximum height of 8,192 pixels
  • 4K x 1K@60Hz high resolution input, 4K x 1K point to point display
  • 3 x 4K layers, free scaling for each layer

Video Controller, ByPass, Fiber Converter, free switching between three modes

Novastar VX1000 function
Novastar VX1000 function

Support for redundant input source, system configuration, ethernet ports, and devices Providing total security from start to finish

Novastar VX1000
Novastar VX1000
Connection diagram
Connection diagram


Please do not manually set the HDMI 1.3 output connector’s resolution via Advanced Settings > HDMI Output; otherwise, the LED screen display may be affected


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