ledvideoprocessor - Professional LED controller and accessories vendors

Linsn TS16

Linsn TS16 can achieve high definition, high gray level and high refresh rate, which can meet the demend for large rental LED display, indoor LED display and so on.
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Linsn TS16 is a 4K LED screen controller, which can load 4096*2160@60Hz, 15360 pixels in maximum width and 8192 pixels in maximum height. It supports support arbitrary resolution settings with 16 gigabit network ports to meet customers’ needs for super-long and super-large LED video walls.

• One HDMI2.0 and four DVI inputs;

• Sixteen 1GE outputs;

• Supports up to 10 million pixels, up to 15360 pixels horizontally or 8192 pixels vertically;

• Two USB2.0 communication port for test or cascade;

• Supports Linsn whole series receiver, multifunction board and other devices


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